(σ · ∑)I= The Dawning of Zero

Pseudolus (sucking in the air through his nostrils)………

…………for I have already prepared troops in such a way in my mind, tricks and deceits in double and triple lines, so that I may do battle with enemies anywhere

( trusting, I may say, in the virtus of my ancestors, in my own energy and my deceitful roguery),

so that I may easily conquer, easily despoil my enemies with deceptions.



M. McDonnell, Roman Manliness: Virtus and the Roman Republic


Over the passing drift and chocking breathcoughs, Eiljah’s voice, harsh as a corncrakes, jars on high. Perspiring in a loose Lawn surplice with funnel sleeves he is seen, vergefaced, above a rostrum about which the banner of old glory is draped. He thumps the parapet.






An unsympathetic visitor to Rome in the fourth century A.D. describes the characteristic but repellent sight of the poor of the city playing alea aggressively, making a loud and distinctive snuffling and snorting by sucking in air through their nostrils as they concentrated intently on the game.

Google search

alea virtus

Google say

Alea iacta est


Wiki, Alea iacta est

N. Purcell, Literate games: roman urban society and the game of alea

G. Wolf, Ancient Illiteracy

Note (of small things)

Delay will more supplies are bought, hour to kill.


Charting his journeys to the Alps, Italy, Venice and the Netherlands, the exhibition will explore how Dürer’s travels sparked an exchange of ideas with Netherlandish and Italian Renaissance artists, fuelled his curiosity and creativity, and increased his fame and influence across Europe.

Dürer, exhibition, national gallery (I would love to see it).

increased his fame and influence across Europe. Seemed alien, retrospective.

Later, partners watching television, perspective on Dickens? Patrick Stuart (actor), hearing it out of context, sense I take may be altered, but it’s that sense of taking a step back, ‘very Shakespearian’ (I like that), this time the sense of world changing.

Reading a writer, concerned literary references will not be read by the reader, same sense of difference.

For me the scale is much smaller, you only have to change one mind.

I find I can reduce that further, to my own mind.

Making an internal connection. Finding sense.

To bring to life.

Alters everything.

Communicable act.

Dramatic (or my sense of it)